Here you will find the reports from our last OFSTED inspections.
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“Personal Development is Outstanding” – OFSTED 2023
Halling Primary School was pleased to receive a ‘GOOD’ with ‘OUTSTANDING’ features rating from OFSTED after an inspection that took place in June 2023.
The outcome highlights the quality of Halling Primary School’s offering:
- Pupils are cheerful and confident in this welcoming school.
- Pupils learn in calm and purposeful classrooms. This is because of the high expectations that staff have for their behaviour.
- Pupils consistently follow the six ‘golden rules’. They learn to be kind and helpful.
- From early years, children learn consistent routines.
- Pupils play an active and valued role in school life. The ‘smart school council’ ensures every pupil has a voice in creating a happy and harmonious environment.
- Pupils enjoy a wide range of extra-curricular activities. They propose ideas for new clubs.
- Leaders have a shared commitment to creating an inclusive school where all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), can flourish.
- Leaders promote pupils’ personal development exceptionally well.
- Through leaders’ relentless focus on the school values, pupils develop respect and compassion for each other.
- Pupils learn how to be responsible citizens and make a positive contribution to their local community.
- The curriculum is broad and stimulating. Leaders have thoughtfully sequenced the knowledge that they want pupils to learn from Reception up to Year 6.
- Teachers know the needs of their pupils well and adapt learning to meet these.
- All pupils are challenged through an ambitious curriculum that encourages them to develop into lifelong learners. Pupils respond by showing an eagerness to learn and work hard.
- Teachers are well trained and have the expertise to deliver the ambitious curriculum.
- All pupils read regularly in school. They enjoy the diverse range of books held in the year group libraries.
- Leaders have established a strong culture of safeguarding. Pupils feel safe here.
View our report on OFSTED here