Our catering services have been brought in-house and provide our children with tasty, healthy school meals all in line with the School Food Standards. Meals must be booked and paid for using Arbor and will cost £2.50 per day. Children can opt for a hot main meal, a vegetarian option, or a filled jacket potato. For dessert, the children can choose either the main pudding, fresh fruit or yoghurt. Children with specific allergens will also be catered for, please email the office to arrange to speak with Donna, our catering manager.
Healthy School Meals
We are proud to work in partnership with parents to encourage the children to understand what healthy eating means and how it can be achieved through school meals. We ask that parents support the school to help the children establish good eating habits, by providing a ‘balanced’ and ‘nutritious’ packed lunch. To promote healthy eating, the children are taught about a balanced diet and why it’s important that we locally source ingredients, during PSHE. Children may bring another drink to have with their lunch, which is additional to their water bottles. They are not allowed to bring fizzy drinks or sweets to school.

Free School Meals
For more information about Free School Meals and applying for them please visit the Medway Council’s website here.
There is also an entitlement for families in receipt of certain State benefits to receiving support with school meals. If you feel you may be entitled to this extra support, please contact the school office in the strictest confidence for more information. This can be a substantial saving for families and is also a financial benefit to our school if entitlement is claimed.
When your child starts at Halling Primary, we will ask you to complete a medical form to identify any medical needs, allergies, intolerances, or dietary requirements your child may have, to ensure we provide the best care to all of our children. In all classes and in the school kitchen, we have posters displayed with photos of any children with any allergies, intolerances, or dietary requirements so all staff are aware.
Please note that we are a nut and seed free school.
We are a nut and seed free school because we have children and staff who are allergic to nuts and seeds, which is a life-threatening condition. We do not use nuts or seeds in any of our food prepared on site at school.
Please help us to protect our staff and children by being vigilant when providing your child with their packed lunch and when bringing any foods, such as snacks, into school.
Our Nut and Seed Free Policy means that the following items should not be brought into school
- Packs of nuts
- Peanut butter sandwiches
- Fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts
- Chocolate products that contain nuts, including chocolate spreads
- Sesame seed rolls (children allergic to nuts may also have a severe reaction to sesame)
- Any seeded bread
- Certain brands of sun cream that contain almond oil, such as, Nivea
- Cakes made with nuts