Breakfast and Afterschool Club

We are delighted to be able to offer you a well-organised and safe environment for your child both during Breakfast Club and After School Club.

All bookings are to be made in advance via the Arbor app system.

If you require information regarding the booking process, please contact the main office via phone (01634 240258) or via email  (

Contract for Parents/Carers

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club is based in the school hall and is available for all children from Reception to Year 6.

The Breakfast Club Manager is Mrs Kendall and she is supported by Miss Kendall, Miss Jackson and Mrs Richards.

At Breakfast Club, the children are offered breakfast cereal, toast, fresh fruit, and a drink. They are free to participate, under the supervision of the staff, in a range of free play and structured activities. All children are taken to their classrooms at the start of the school day.


Breakfast Club is open every weekday during term time, excluding Staff Development Days, from 07:30 until the start of school. Your child can be dropped off any time between these times, and the Breakfast Club staff will take them to their classroom at the end of the session. Breakfast will not be served after 08:15.

Parents/Carers are responsible for registering their children into Breakfast Club as they enter the building (adult to adult handover).


Breakfast Club has a fixed daily cost of £4 per day*, which includes a breakfast of cereals, fruit and a variety of bread, including crumpets and pancakes. 

After School Club

Our after-school club is based in the school hall. The club manager is Mrs Kendall and she is supported by Miss Kendall, Ms Jackson and Miss Hawkett.

We offer a relaxed environment where children can choose what they would like to do from various experiences and activities. We are fortunate to be able to access the school’s outdoor spaces, including the field and playground.

Every day, there will be a selection of raw vegetables (cucumber sticks/carrot sticks/cherry tomatoes) and fresh fruit (apples, bananas, oranges, and melons). Milk and water are available for drinks.

Please note: we always have a selection of baked beans, bread, jacket potatoes, and cheese available, so if children do not want the selection on the menu, there are other options for them.


After School Club opens as school finishes at 15:20 and closes at 18:00. You may book your child in until 16:30 or 18:00. They may be collected at any time within the booked sessions.

Parents/carers must sign out, noting the time, upon collecting their child/children.


15:20 – 16:30 – £6.00* (fruit is available) 

15:20 – 18:00 – £9.50* (including a snack)

After School Club Menu


A penalty charge is applied for any children picked up after 16:30, which is £3.50, for the cost of the next session. The penalty applied for any children picked up after 18:00 is £1 per minute, per child.

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