12 events found.
MYG Badminton Festival
Year 5 and Year 6 (details to follow)
Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day
Letter to follow from Ms Taylor
KS2 (Years 3 – 6) Christmas Celebration (Provisional)
Venue: St. John's Church - ticketed event Letter to follow from Miss Martin
KS2 (Years 3 – 6) Christmas Celebration (Provisional)
Venue: St. John's Church - ticketed event Letter to follow from Miss Martin
EYFS Christmas Performance
Venue: School Hall - Ticketed Event Letter to follow from Mrs Coleman
Year 1 Christmas Performance
Venue: School Hall - Ticketed Event Letter to follow from Ms Eakins
Whole School Pantomime Trip
Letter to follow from Ms Taylor
Year 2 Christmas Performance
Venue: School Hall - Ticketed Event Letter to follow from Ms Eakins
Christmas Talent Show
Children and Staff only
Christmas Dinner Day
Wear your Christmas jumper
Christmas Parties for all Children
Wear your Christmas party clothes to school