Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Lead: Mrs C Coleman
Our Foundation Stage provision offers the necessary balance of ‘teacher-led’ input and ‘pupil-initiated’ learning. We create a supportive, stimulating context in the school’s indoor and outdoor learning areas for children to play and engage in enquiry, discovery and reflection. We want our children to be confident in expressing their ideas, happy to make independent choices, and keen to explore the world around them. It is here at EYFS that we set down the roots of our curriculum approach at Halling Primary.

Our curriculum is designed to maximise the success of every child at Halling. We work closely with parents, carers and nurseries so that each child is successful and able to reach their full potential.
We use our practitioners’ skills and expertise to create routines, build relationships, and develop activities and resources in a rich learning environment which provides children with the opportunities and conditions to flourish in all aspects of their development. We provide balance across the areas of learning and look to identify each child’s specific needs, strengths and next steps so that they can make excellent progress.

Prime Areas of Learning
Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Communication and Language are at the heart of the EYFS provision. They are what our staff concern themselves with every moment of each day to ensure the environment and the relationships are right for each child to flourish as a unique individual.
The key aspects of effective learning as set down in the statutory framework, are also at the heart of Halling Primary School’s vision and core values:
- Our children keep on trying if they encounter difficulties when learning
- Our children enjoy their achievements and progress
- Our children are curious, they investigate and explore
- Our children have their own ideas and can make links between their ideas to develop their thinking
- Our children are happy to ‘have a go’ and seek out new challenges, with enthusiasm
- Our children develop a deep interest in the activities they do, through practice and teacher support
We foster a life-long love of learning both inside and outside of school. Our vision at Halling is: Learning for Life. By the end of EYFS, our intent is to ensure that all children are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge they need for the next stage of their learning and transition into Year 1, and beyond.
Our provision offers the necessary balance of ‘teacher-led’ input and ‘child-initiated’ learning. We create a supportive and stimulating environment in both the indoor and outdoor learning areas in which children can play, be curious and engage in enquiry, discovery and reflection. We want our children to be confident in expressing their ideas, happy to make independent choices, and keen to explore the world around them. It is here, in EYFS, that we set down the roots of our curriculum approach at Halling Primary School.
Specific Areas of Learning
We strive for our children to be excellent readers and writers when they leave EYFS. To do this we follow a systematic approach to the delivery of phonics by using the Little Wandle phonic scheme. We teach the children the reading and writing skills that will get them ‘on the road’ to be independent readers and writers.
In mathematics, we follow the White Rose Maths curriculum, designed to provide all children with a solid foundation. Our children will understand mathematics deeply and enjoy solving mathematical problems. Our curriculum places a significant emphasis on mathematical skills where curriculum content is well sequenced to promote a depth of understanding and fluency in mathematical skills.
Opportunities for reading, writing for different purposes and maths will be given during teacher-directed sessions, as well as being rooted in all areas of our classroom provision, encouraging the independent application of new knowledge and skills.
Our inclusive approach means that all children are offered high-quality teaching, equality of opportunity and additional support when needed. Our staff are trained in Speech and Language Link, BEAM, Precision Teaching and Sensory Circuits, so that each child is able to be successful.

Through conversations with nurseries, parents, carers and ongoing assessment, observations and conversations, we develop a baseline so that we know what prior learning the children have. This enables us to understand how we can plan experiences which support and challenge the children so that they make excellent progress. The RBA (Statutory Reception Baseline Assessment) is also carried out within the children’s first term at Halling. This assessment focuses on ‘Language, Communication and Literacy,’ and ‘Mathematics.’ The purpose of this is to be able to show the progress children make from EYFS to the end of Year 6 (KS2).
By the end of EYFS, teachers will use their formative assessments to assess children as emerging or expected against each of the 17 Early Learning Goals (ELGs). In addition, these assessments provide a narrative for Year 1 teachers and parents/carers, regarding each child’s achievements during their time in EYFS. Impact in the EYFS can also be seen in the smooth transition that our pupils have into Year 1. EYFS staff have a good understanding of how ELGs link to the National Curriculum, and through our robust planning and delivery across the spectrum of subjects – both core and foundation – children leave the EYFS stage with the skills, knowledge and confidence to continue the next stage of their education. Our children enter Year 1 at Halling as happy and confident individuals who have made excellent progress from their individual starting points.

The Early Learning Goals
To view the Early Learning Goals please click here Development Matters – Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage (publishing.service.gov.uk)
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our EYFS Lead via the school office: office@halling.medway.sch.uk and Mrs Coleman will get back to you.